Thursday, December 29, 2016

Re: Opening new line above or below Perl comment line

On Thursday, December 29, 2016 at 4:47:11 PM UTC-8, $Bill wrote:
> When typing a Perl comment, I have no problem with vim starting the next line
> with a '#' for me when the line wraps in insert mode, but in command mode
> when I type 'o' OR 'O' to start a new line, I don't want the new line to
> be a comment line just because the line above or below was a comment and
> I'd like vim to assume the new line is code and do normal Perl indenting.
> Please help me with an option change or some syntax or indent file change
> or whatever that will stop assuming a new comment on o/O commands.
> TIA, Bill

Nevermind, after some more searching, I found the answer in another thread.

I took the 'o' out of formatoptions by adding a :set formatoptions in my rc file.

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