Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Re: Re: How to set the language of ui in gvim

On Wednesday, December 14, 2016 at 12:54:58 PM UTC+8, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> It is not always possible or desirable to disable +multi_lang.
> Which languages are recognized (and acceptable as argument to the
> :language command and its subcommands) depends on your OS and on hos
> it is installed.
> On Windows, ":language messages en" usually works, ":language
> messages C" never does, ":language messages en_US" usually doesn't, "
> :language messages English_United States" may or may not work, and I
> don't know whether the space in the middle of United States needs a
> backslash escape. Without the quotes in each case.
> On Unix and similar, the command "locale -a |less", given without
> the quotes at a shell prompt, will tell you all recognized language
> names
> In my experience, the ":language messages LANGUAGENAME" command is one
> of the few that should be given before sourcing the vimrc_example.vim
> -- the following is how my vimrc begins:
> " force English menus and messages regardless of which locale is set in the OS
> if has("unix") " including Mac OS X (but not the obsolete Mac OS 9) IIUC
> language messages C
> else " Windows
> language messages en
> endif
> runtime vimrc_example.vim
> etc.

tnx a lot for your reply . I have already tried the command in my vimrc file. But it doesn't work. My os is windows and the native lan is CN.

> if has("unix") " including Mac OS X (but not the obsolete Mac OS 9) IIUC
> language messages C
> else " Windows
> language messages en
> endif
> runtime vimrc_example.vim

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