Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Re: Why make visual mode default? This editor is now useless to me.

On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 5:37 PM, Ervin Ruci <> wrote:
> After your recent update the behavior of the mouse changed.
> Selecting some text with the mouse automatically enters visual mode. I rarely use the visual feature and when I use it I prefer using the v keyboard command.
> This new setting is pretty annoying and it is hard to turn off. Why did you break a previously functioning editor? You just wasted a few hours of my time for no good reason.

This question actually belongs in the vim_use group, please continue
it there. In addition it was quite recently answered.

The behaviour of the mouse depends on a number of options. See in particular:

:help 'mouse'
:help 'mousemodel'
:help 'selectmode'
:help :behave

and remember that

:verbose set mouse? mousemodel? selectmode?

will tell you the current values of these options, and, for each of
them, the latest script (if any) which set it.


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