Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Re: Syntax match first word of line

Le mardi 27 décembre 2016 19:59:34 UTC+1, Shawn H Corey a écrit :
> On Tue, 27 Dec 2016 10:08:50 -0800
> Bryan Richter <b@chreekat.net> wrote:
> > p.s. Your search pattern is finding the first word that follows some
> > whitespace, since you used \s\+ ("ONE or more whitespace chars"). Is
> > that what you meant? If you wanted "the first word, no exceptions" you
> > would use \s* to find "ZERO or more whitespace chars".
> A better choice might be to use \W* instead. This will make non-word
> characters.
> --
> Don't stop where the ink does.
> Shawn H Corey

Ok it works well to highlight word just after non words with this pattern :
syn match s7Accumulator /^\(_\d\+:\)*\W*\zs\(POP\|ENT\)/

But on this sentence :
it highlights 'Ent' too or I just want it match the only word
Ent or

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