Thursday, July 13, 2017

Latest vim breaks gnome terminal paste

Hello all.
I am having a very weird issue with the latest version of vim.
I think this is happening since a couple of weeks ago when I updated my vim git repo.
The problem is, I open a new gnome terminal, or any derivated, like Guake, I can select and paste
with middle mouse button as usual, then I open vi and close it, just opening and closing.
I try to select and paste again and node the text has some traling characters:
Text before open/close vim in the terminal: pixmaps
Text after open/close vim in the terminal: 00~pixmaps01~

This is an extract of the text in my terminal:

pgp@ellon|{master}||AC|/<2>vim$ ls
appveyor.yml  Filelist  nsis     READMEdir  README.txt  src    uninstal.txt
configure     farsi            Makefile  pixmaps  runtime     tools  vimtutor.bat
pgp@ellon|{master}||AC|/<2>vim$ pixmaps
pixmaps: Command not found.
pgp@ellon|{master}||AC|/<2>vim$ vi
pgp@ellon|{master}||AC|/<2>vim$ 00~pixmaps01~
00~pixmaps01~: Command not found.

I just paste the selected pixmaps text, the first one is pasted correctly, the second after vim is wrong with that strange trailing character. I always get the same trailing character after using vim.

It only happens in gnome terminals, xterm or mrxvt are ok.

I have compiled vim with minimal features:
./configure --with-features=small --disable-gui --prefix=/opt


Un saludo
Best Regards
Pablo Giménez

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