Friday, July 28, 2017

Re: Cannot create diffs (E97) with Vim 8.0 on Windows 7

Hugo Gagnon wrote:
> Hello,
> When I pick two files in Explorer and then right click -> "Diff with Vim" I get the E97 error. I did read the E97 help file and checked if I had diff.exe installed but I couldn't find anything odd.

By "Explorer", are you referring to netrw? If not, ignore the rest of
this note, please.

Netrw does not provide a "Diff with Vim". It does allow you to select
files (shift-leftmouse -or- mf), then select [Netrw:Marked Files:Diff]
This process uses vim's diffthis on the marked files.
The self-installing version of vim under Windows includes a diff program
with it; vim doesn't do diff on its own.
If you have a diff.exe (from which I'm inferring that you're using
Windows) make sure that its on your Windows path. My windows speak is
rusty; that may be %PATH% ? Someone please correct me on that.

Chip Campbell

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