Sunday, July 30, 2017

Re: [OT] "steep learning curve" ... but what is it actually?

> On 2017-07-30 09:10, wrote:
>> Suppose this "steep learning curve" would be a graph
>> in the mathematical sense -- I would think, that
>> the X-axis represents t (time) and the Y-axis represents
>> the amount of knowledge k in turn.

Really, the cliche's the wrong way around. It depends on whether you are
looking at it as the rate of acquisition that's possible, (in which case a
steep vertical represents an easy task), the rate that's necessary to
survive, e.g. in an emergency, (in which case a steep gradient represents
a challenge, learn quickly or die), or the effort required to achieve
proficiency, with the X axis as proficiency and the Y axis as effort.

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