Saturday, July 29, 2017

Re: Why the bufnew not work here?

2017-07-29 18:45 GMT+03:00 Zhe Lee <>:
> I use
> au BufNewFile *.py 0r headerfile/python.header
> in my vimrc file . I want to auto add snippet when the python file is create. But it doesn't work, when I use the "gvim" command in command prompt. How to fix this?

This looks like something which will not work in many cases: :read is
supplied relative path, but do you have `headerfile/python.header` in
each directory you happen to run Vim from?

It should "work" by throwing E484 error message though. For me it
works, but error message and "Press ENTER" prompt are hidden by
further setup. Check `:messages`.

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