Sunday, July 23, 2017

Re: Arduino with vim (read "no IDE"-challenge)

On 22.07.17 17:21, wrote:
> To summarize my initial mail more clearly:
> What plugin is recommended, if I want to use vim to replace the tasks
> of the Arduino IDE.
> I am running Gentoo Linux on a x86 PC.

Hi Meino,

ISTM that if performing all coding and build actions in Vim, then the
IDE might be ditched altogether? I do my AVR work (including ATmega328P
= most common Arduino CPU) with just Vim, avr-gcc, and binutils
(available as debian packages). While I don't use any Arduino code
(called "sketches", it seems), I see here that Eclipse is just a
front end for the gnu toolchain - even to the point of makefiles:

ISTM then, that if you, either manually or via the IDE, produce a
makefile, then make can be invoked either on the command line or through
Vim, to build the code. Whether you then use the IDE or Avrdude to
download to the target would probably depend on whether you want to keep
the Arduino bootloader intact.

There are others out there using just the gnu toolchain for Arduino
sketches, perhaps along the lines of this plain command line approach:

And these confessions of an IDE avoider:

have a "mail me" link at the end of the page.

If I were ever to use any Arduino code on the Arduino boards I buy, I'd
just link in the relevant libraries, I figure. There seems to be some of
that here:

As the avr-gcc toolchain is already there once the IDE is installed, it
seems that one can work with any Vim/IDE mix desired. E.g. if the files
are edited with Vim, then either "make" or an IDE click could be used to


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