Sunday, July 30, 2017

[OT] "steep learning curve" ... but what is it actually?


Often it i said, vim would have a steep learning curve...

If I think aboyt a "steep learning curve" as such in a
more mathematical sense...I dont understand this argument
for being a negative one.

Suppose this "steep learning curve" would be a graph
in the mathematical sense -- I would think, that
the X-axis represents t (time) and the Y-axis represents
the amount of knowledge k in turn.

With this setuo a steep curve would imply, that mu knowledge about
for example vim would increase more in a shorter period of
time than with other tools with a flat learning curve which does not
reaches that high values for Y....notepad for example.

Why is this taken as a negative feature?

Let us build more tools with steep learninging curves to seperate
those from tools which has nothing to offer... ;)

This is not meant as an argument for overcomplicated tools, though...

Or did I understand totally wrong here...?


I dont understand "editor wars" -- how can be there a war between
a sole editor? ;)

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