Monday, October 2, 2017

Re: How to scroll back in Vim's built-in terminal?

On 01/10/2017 01:57 p.m., Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> Redesorr wrote:
>> I am using Vim's built-in ":terminal", it works well.
>> However, I found it is impossible to scroll back in this terminal.
>> I have tried several terminal emulators and Gvim. But none of them
>> can let me scroll back in terminal opened by ":terminal" command.
>> I tried SHIFT+PgUp and Ctrl+Shift+UP, both failed. And I don't find
>> any information about scroll back in ":terminal" in Vim's document.
>> Is there any way to scroll text in Vim's ":terminal"?
> First go to Terminal-Normal mode with CTRL-W N. Now the terminal
> window behaves (mostly) like a normal buffer, you can scroll back with
> CTRL-B or jump to the start with "gg". As soon as you use an insert
> command such as "i" or "a" it will go back to Terminal-Job mode.

But CTRL-W N opens a new window! Only CTRL-\ CTRL-N goes to
Terminal-Normal mode. I'm using gvim on Windows 7.


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