Sunday, October 1, 2017

Re: Lost in formatoptions …

2017-10-01 21:43 GMT+03:00 Nikolay Aleksandrovich Pavlov <>:
> 2017-10-01 14:01 GMT+03:00 Matěj Cepl <>:
>> Hi,
>> trying to use vim for writing long prose and I am playing with
>> the optimal value for formatoptions. Currently I have
>> set formatoptions=1tcroqlav
>> but I think I have something wrong. Somehow 'a' is too active
>> to me and I am in the situation that I cannot split a paragraph
>> in the middle. When I enter one CR, the line splits, but when
>> I press ENTER again, nothing happens. I have to set paste, make
>> change, set nopaste and reformat, which is obviously wrong.
>> What do I do wrong?
> You are trying to use `a` without `w`. Using trailing whitespaces is
> the only sane variant of using `a` &formatoptions flag, other variants
> are too restrictive and thus utterly broken.
>> Best,
>> Matěj
>> --
>>, Jabber: mcepl<at>
>> GPG Finger: 3C76 A027 CA45 AD70 98B5 BC1D 7920 5802 880B C9D8
>> As a rule of thumb, the more qualifiers there are before the name
>> of a country, the more corrupt the rulers. A country called The
>> Socialist People's Democratic Republic of X is probably the last
>> place in the world you'd want to live.
>> -- Paul Graham discussing (not only) Nigerian spam
>> (
>> --
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