Monday, August 6, 2018

Re: why is cut and paste broken on X11?

On 2018-08-06 07:58, wrote:
> Why is it that X11 cut and paste has been broken for a couple of
> years now and that it is not being fixed. It worked fine for 30
> years.

To begin with, mouse works perfectly fine in vim and is configurable
for how exactly it does work. You'll want to read up at

:help 'mouse'

to learn about the options.

Also, you don't provide sufficient information to replicate your
issue. To get any sort of assistance, it would help if you provide

1) what behavior you expect

2) what behavior you experience

3) whether you're running gvim or vim-in-a-terminal (and if so, which

4) whether you're talking about the X selection buffer (usually
filled by selecting something with your mouse and pasted with the
middle-mouse-button) or the X clipboard buffer (usually accessed by
the Edit→{Copy/Cut/Paste} menu option or Control+{X/C/V})

5) your settings for a number of relevant options:

:set mouse? mousef? mh? mousem? mouset? sel? slm?

> WHy can't I get rid of Visual mode which is a huge failure.

While it may feel like a failure on your part, with answers to the
above questions, folks on the list can help you succeed.


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