Friday, October 19, 2018

Re: Showing shell output in GVim's window

On Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 10:58 PM Anton Shepelev <> wrote:
> Hello, all
> While working with the console version of Vim, the output of
> the ! command is shown in the same terminal window, whereas
> with GVim a new console window pops up. Is it possible to
> configure GVim to show the shell in its own wiindow for a
> more unified experience? With the current behavior, the
> edit-compile-test cycle in GVim is somewhat uncomfortable.

This may either be operating-system-dependent, or else depend on some option.
In my Big gvim for Linux64, and with my usual vimrc, the multiline
output of ! external commands appears at the very bottom of the Vim
screen, pushing all windows up, and ends with a |hit-enter-prompt|,
just as if it were a multiline message frm Vim itself.

Best regards,

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