Monday, October 1, 2018

syntax highlighting stops somewhere in a file -- why?


I use vim a lot with regular markdown --

in several files syntax coloring suddenly stops, and I can't find why.
this happens with files while typing, as well as in files while editing

for example some markdown pieces of text:

[text]( which makes the text clickable
in a PDF after converting the markdown file. the word between [] is in a
different color;

ë HTML codes used in markdown to provide accents etc, used a lot in
Dutch language. the code is in a different color.

my vimrc has two lines activating syntax coloring:

syntax on
syntax enable

because at least in the beginning of each file markdown syntax coloring
works fine, my 'evening' colorscheme can't be the problem.

I hope anyone can give me a clue to make syntax coloring work for the
entire file!



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