Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Re: syntax highlighting stops somewhere in a file -- why?

On Tue, Oct 2, 2018 at 1:11 PM meine <trialero@gmx.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 1, 2018, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> > try syn-sync
> I read the suggested documentation and tried
> :set syntax fromstart
> , but it made no difference for a correct syncax coloring.
> On Mon, Oct 01, 2018 at 05:39:46PM +0200, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> > Have you tried changing the value for 'redrawtime'? The syntax
> > highlighting may just be too slow.
> I put
> set redrawtime=10000
> in my vimrc, but it had no effect.
> The file in question is of limited length, only 36 lines and 995 words.
> Therefore I suspected that the correct coloring being in sync shouldn't
> be the real problem, but thanks to your reactions I was able to exclude
> this.
> I am a relatively novice in vim and don't do much technical stuff.
> Writing and editing files I only do on basic (markdown) writing and
> editing pdftotext files and text copies of webpages -- both containing
> lots of digraphs. Those 'leftovers' from different text formats
> sometimes cause trouble in the expected coloring as is my observation.
> In the file at hand I looked for unusual characters and tested the
> change of coloring by copying a small block of '[text](link)', that
> displayed proper coloring in the beginning of the file.
> Then I found 'the Beast', it was a solitary ` mark (Digr '!).
> It was the only one used on that text-saved webpage. Secondary testing
> by putting a ` more to the beginning of the file 'switched off' syntax
> coloring.
> I couldn't find any difference in the meaning of ` and ' in vim help,
> probably it has something to do with a non-closed tag.
> Last and least is that especially in tty it is hard to see the diffence
> between the two accents, making it harder to find the Beast anyway...
> TNX again for your thoughts!
> //meine

Vim help doesn't explain the syntax of every kind of file you might
edit with it. IIUC, by putting text between grave accents in Markdown
`like this` you make it appear in monospace: for instance in Github
comments about Vim problems, this marks inline stuff that would be
typed literally in Vim. (To make a block stand out you put three such
characters above and below it.)

OTOH manpages often use a grave accent as an opening quote and an
apostrophe as a closing quote, which is one place where unpaired, or
differently paired, such characters might be found (and unwittingly
got from, by copying and pasting).

Best regards,

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