Friday, October 12, 2018

Re: _vimrc loading fails

On Monday, October 8, 2018 at 3:50:05 AM UTC-5, Ni Va wrote:
> Hi,
> Under Windows 10, vim8.4.466 x86, I got _vimrc under $VIM and filereadable(expand('$vim/_vimrc')) returns 1
> From help, it is written
> MS-Windows $HOME/_vimrc, $HOME/vimfiles/vimrc
> or $VIM/_vimrc <<< filereadable returns 1
> I don't understand why I don't see my _vimrc loaded!
> Thank you
> Ni Va

How did you determine loading failed? Did you run ":scriptnames" and notice it isn't in the list, or some other way?

How did you launch Vim?

Do you have any of the other vimrc file locations present on your system?

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