Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Applying Settings in vimrc Or gvimrc Based on v:servername

While working on a Windows machine, I found that I could
selectively load settings or plugins based on the Vim
servername by do a regular expression check against the
v:servername variable right in vimrc.

if v:servername =~ '^\cHPWORK\d*'
ru HP/HPSpecificPlugin.vim

I had been relying on this featured when sharing a vimrc
file for XWindows under Linux. What I found is that this
technique does not seem to work. I traced in the Vim
source code and it seems like v:servername is set fairly
late in start up process for Vim after the script files
have been run. Thus when vimrc is executed v:servername
is blank and all these v:servername checks are false.

Is there a place in the startup process or a sensable
technique under XWindows to trigger loading something
globally based on the v:servername value? I am using this
technique as an alternative to an auto command that
assumes a particular filename or file extension.

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