Thursday, February 6, 2020

Re: join() a list with a newline char for an echo

> I agree that works - but my list is from a ch_read() and has ^@ (NL) at the end of each element
and I just cannot seem to get this work. The join("\n") just puts the ^@ back everywhere.

I don't know what you've got there.  Presumably, you are familiar with the way vim handles NUL
characters (they are stored in memory as newlines, 0x0a, and show as ^@). 

Have you tried chopping off the ends of the elements? Say,

:let my_list = ["alice", "bob", "carol"]
:call map(my_list, {k,v -> v[0:-2]})
:echo my_list
['alic', 'bo', 'caro']

HTH, John Little

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