-- I use this func to switch filetype when cursor is moving outside/inside embed section:
fun! helper#SwitchFileType() "{{{
if !exists('b:busy')
let b:busy=1
let start = str2nr(search( '^\w\+\s\+<<\s\+EOF', 'n' ))
if start > 0
let end = str2nr(search( '^EOF', 'n' ))
let curpos = getcurpos()[1]
let lang = split(getline(start), '<<')[0]->substitute('\s', '', "g")
if (curpos > start) && (curpos < end)
exe 'set ft='.lang
exe 'set ft=vim'
"echo 'Filetype switched to ' . &ft
unlet b:busy
endfun "}}}
autocmd CursorMoved *.vim call helper#SwitchFileType()
autocmd CursorMovedI *.vim call helper#SwitchFileType()
The func is called on event cursormoved and lag cursor effectively moving action.
how to avoid this lag ?
Thank you
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