Sunday, March 15, 2020

Wrapg text at col. 80 on large-ish files - performance aspects.

What is the recommended way to wrap files at column 80 or thereabout
when dealing with 5,000-10,000 lines files without a major performance

I have tried issuing a ':set syntax off' command followed by running
different flavors of the gw command in normal or visual mode but this
may not be the most efficient approach performance-wise.

I tried searching for lines longer than 80 characters and running 'gwap'
on the paragraph where they appear using the :g/long-line/gwap but this
doesn't seem to help.

It takes something like 10 minutes to complete this task suggesting I am
not doing it right.

Is there a better way to do it inside a vim session or should I exit vim
and run one of a number of utilities from the shell command prompt?

I would prefer staying with my vim session for reasons not directly
related to the issue.

Thank you.


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