Thursday, March 26, 2020

Re: Customize vim for YAML

I got an answer from

* I needed filetype on in .vimrc to get it to recognize the filetype.  (Don't think I had that before when it worked!??  And in fact once I had this all working, I deleted the filetype on and it still worked.  Go figger.)
* I needed syntax on in .vimrc to get it to highlight syntax.  (Also don't think I had this before, but I DO need this one.)
* I did NOT need the first autocommand to source ~/.vim/yaml.vim.  Without it, vim sources /usr/share/vim/vim80/syntax/yaml.vim.
* In the remaining autocommand they recommend I use setlocal instead of set, and sts=2 (softtabstop) instead of ts=2 (tabstop).

Works great now!

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