Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Re: netrw#BrowseX fails when invoked from gvim on Ubuntu

On Di, 10 Mär 2020, Garvin Haslett wrote:

> No answer, so I suppose this question isn't regarded as relevant.
> Can anyone point me somewhere I can ask gvim specific questions?

The list is correct, however perhaps nobody knows an answer to your

If you don't mind debugging netrw, have a look at `:h netrw-debug`
or try to manually step through the commands using
`:debug :call netrw#BrowseX(...)`
(see for a brief help `:h :debug`)

My guess is, netrw calls xdg-open, which calls a script depending on
your desktop-environment something like `exo-open` or `gnome-open` and
some of those commands returns an error (or is not installed).


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