Friday, June 25, 2021

Re: Txtfmt

The most crude and straightforward way of installing a plugin is just by
dropping the <plugin>.vim file in your ~/.vim/plugin/ directory.

Thanks very much. This help is invaluable.

You can do the same for the files that have to go into /ftplugin/, /syntax/,
etc. Just follow the directory structure on the Github site for the
right place on your computer.

Which of these files are mandatory and which are optional? txtfmt includes: 

LICENSE install_details.txt mb_patch.txt
detailed_description.txt plugin
doc release_notes.txt
ftplugin syntax

Do I need to add all of them?

Be sure to download the raw version of the plugin code! On the website,
click until you reach the file and see the code, click the [Raw] button,
right-click and 'save page as...' in the directory mentioned above. The
right name will be already given. Note that different files for
different sub-folders can have the same name -- work in an organized

I just cloned the repository with the git clone command. Does this retrieve the raw file?

My experience is that this works all the time.

Other possibility is using the description for installing a plugin with
the use of Patogen, Vundle or Git -- just follow instructions, and all
files will be placed in the right directories.

I will try out Pathogen next.
I haven't tested out what I did above because I'm not familiar with the commands for using this plugin yet.

A straightforward 'how-to' you can find here:

I tried this out, I don't think it worked, but I'll keep investigating.

Thanks very much,

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