Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Announce: LitREPL plugin for literate programming

Hello. I'm glad to announce a (yet another) plugin for literate programming, for now in Python. Briefly, it aims to get a Jupyter-notebook look-and-feel while editing Markdown or Latex documents in Vim.

The plugin detects code/result blocks, pipes their content through the persistently running interpreter and pastes the result back into the file. Python and IPython are currently supported, other languages don't seem to be a problem.

Currently, the plugin comes with an application of nearly 500 lines of code and takes less than 100 lines of code itself at the cost of being dependent on Posix APIs like pipes or shell utils.

The project is less than a month old, some troubles are possible. Brave testers are welcome, as well as comments.


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Re: Content of syntax regions

I have found that using patterns with lookahead/lookbehind works reasonably well in most cases (for this syntax at least). It feels like overkill though and is harder to maintain because I may need to change patterns in two or more places instead of one.

Den tis 23 aug. 2022 20:45M <> skrev:

вт, 23 авг. 2022 г. в 20:02, Charles Campbell <>:
BPJ wrote:
> For my DSL I have a syntax region for text between a pair of
> delimiters inside which other syntax items should come in a specific
> order, say first dslFoo, then dslBar, then dslBaz.
> I can use nextgroup=dslBar to declare which item should come after
> dslFoo and so on, but how do I declare that the first item inside the
> region must be a dslFoo? Is there a better approach than defining the
> opening delimiter as a match item to be followed by a dslFoo item and
> so on, but doesn't that prevent me from using contains and
> containedin? I wish I could do something like firstcontained=dslFoo on
> the region.
> What is the best way to do this?
> /bpj
Good luck with getting this! I've asked for it over a decade ago. Bottom
line: currently, you can't.

Uses: region would start properly but, since its a region, would allow
it to be folded, syntax changed (perl/tex/sh) for start/end patterns, etc.

Chip Campbell

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What if you define dslFoo after both dslBar and dslBaz? Won't it be enough?

Kind regards,

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Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Re: Content of syntax regions

вт, 23 авг. 2022 г. в 20:02, Charles Campbell <>:
BPJ wrote:
> For my DSL I have a syntax region for text between a pair of
> delimiters inside which other syntax items should come in a specific
> order, say first dslFoo, then dslBar, then dslBaz.
> I can use nextgroup=dslBar to declare which item should come after
> dslFoo and so on, but how do I declare that the first item inside the
> region must be a dslFoo? Is there a better approach than defining the
> opening delimiter as a match item to be followed by a dslFoo item and
> so on, but doesn't that prevent me from using contains and
> containedin? I wish I could do something like firstcontained=dslFoo on
> the region.
> What is the best way to do this?
> /bpj
Good luck with getting this! I've asked for it over a decade ago. Bottom
line: currently, you can't.

Uses: region would start properly but, since its a region, would allow
it to be folded, syntax changed (perl/tex/sh) for start/end patterns, etc.

Chip Campbell

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What if you define dslFoo after both dslBar and dslBaz? Won't it be enough?

Kind regards,

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Re: Content of syntax regions

BPJ wrote:
> For my DSL I have a syntax region for text between a pair of
> delimiters inside which other syntax items should come in a specific
> order, say first dslFoo, then dslBar, then dslBaz.
> I can use nextgroup=dslBar to declare which item should come after
> dslFoo and so on, but how do I declare that the first item inside the
> region must be a dslFoo? Is there a better approach than defining the
> opening delimiter as a match item to be followed by a dslFoo item and
> so on, but doesn't that prevent me from using contains and
> containedin? I wish I could do something like firstcontained=dslFoo on
> the region.
> What is the best way to do this?
> /bpj
Good luck with getting this! I've asked for it over a decade ago. Bottom
line: currently, you can't.

Uses: region would start properly but, since its a region, would allow
it to be folded, syntax changed (perl/tex/sh) for start/end patterns, etc.

Chip Campbell

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yanking works sometimes, and sometimes not

- I dont know if this is to terminal emulator i'm using (xcfe4 terminal), but often, when i want to copy to external programs, i have set up shortcut, <Leader>y  to be as "+y  , so it copy external, but when i try to combine it with <motions>, it doesn't detect. 
It is copying inside vim, that works, but stagnates for other programs, doesn't copy it. 

It works when i do via visual mode, but that is so ineffective, i don't want to use visual mode.

When i do it via visual mode, suddenly, it again responds to combining <Leader>y with <motions>

I have both "+y and "*y  for this shortcut, it works, but, sometimes is unresponsive, i don't know if xcfe4 terminal do some sort of suspending, and that's why it doesn't register itself.

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Content of syntax regions

For my DSL I have a syntax region for text between a pair of delimiters inside which other syntax items should come in a specific order, say first dslFoo, then dslBar, then dslBaz.
I can use nextgroup=dslBar to declare which item should come after dslFoo and so on, but how do I declare that the first item inside the region must be a dslFoo? Is there a better approach than defining the opening delimiter as a match item to be followed by a dslFoo item and so on, but doesn't that prevent me from using contains and containedin? I wish I could do something like firstcontained=dslFoo on the region.

What is the best way to do this?


Den lör 18 juni 2022 14:58BPJ <> skrev:
The subject line says it all: I'm trying to use syntax clusters and wonder if clusters may contain other clusters, i.e. should this work?

syn cluster mydslAnyValue contains=@mydslValue,@mydslContainer
syn cluster mydslAllValues contains=@mydslAnyValue,mydslConstant



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Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Re: vim9 exported functions not recognized by ctags

For extended powershell script, displaying functions with tagbar see this:

If it can help. 
Have a good Day. 

Le vendredi 12 août 2022 à 16:19:16 UTC+2, N V a écrit :
And YES It Is !!  :)

Windows configuration of vim9script  ctags extension

1/ In your $MYVIMRC ~_vimrc (here vim9script) just put these lines :

g:tagbar_type_vim = {
       kinds: [

          \ 'a:autocommand groups:1',
          \ 'c:commands:0:0',
          \ 'e:exported defs',
          \ 'f:functions',
          \ 'g:global variables',
          \ 'K:constants',

          \ 'm:maps:1:0',
          \ 'n:vimball filenames',
          \ 'v:variables:1:0',
      \ ],

2/ In your $vimruntime ~ vim90 folder where there is ctags.exe v5.9 just add  file in folder .ctags.d/vim.ctags

--kinddef-vim=e,export,Vim 9 exported defs
--kinddef-vim=g,global,Vim 9 global variables
--kinddef-vim=K,const,Vim 9 constants

and see the light : all exported defs vim9script functions are now displayed !   :) :)

Hope this help someone.
Le jeudi 11 août 2022 à 19:55:48 UTC+2, Lifepillar a écrit :
On 2022-08-11, N V <> wrote:
> So I put it in *somewhereOvertherainbow\*Vim\vim90\.ctags.d

If you put Ctags configuration there, does `ctags --list-kinds=vim`
still use it?

> But it seems to not runnning well : does not displays vim9 exported
> functions

I'm afraid I can't help you with Windows-specific configuration, as I'm
not using Windows.


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Re: [vim9script] Behavior of has_key()

> The help entry for has_key() says that the key must be a string. In
> legacy Vim script, however, this works fine:
> let dd = {42: '42', v:true: 'T', 3.14: '3.14'}
> echo dd->has_key(42)
> echo dd->has_key(v:true)
> echo dd->has_key(3.14)
> In Vim 9 script, the behavior is different:
> vim9script
> const dd = {42: '42', true: 'T', [3.14]: '3.14'}
> echo dd->has_key(42) # OK
> echo dd->has_key(v:true) # Error, must be string(v:true)
> echo dd->has_key(3.14) # Error, must be string(3.14)
> This seems a bit inconsistent to me. I don't have a problem with Vim
> 9 script being different from legacy script, but I think that either all
> the three cases should raise an error, or none of them.
> Besides, the documentation does not make it clear that implicit type
> casting may happen.

I'll add a note to the help.

In Vim9 script there is no automatic conversion to string, but an
exception is made for a number. I don't recall the discussion, but I
think this was because it is rather common. Perhaps not totally
consistent, but I don't want to change it now, it would cause obscure

A poem: read aloud:

<> !*''# Waka waka bang splat tick tick hash,
^"`$$- Caret quote back-tick dollar dollar dash,
!*=@$_ Bang splat equal at dollar under-score,
%*<> ~#4 Percent splat waka waka tilde number four,
&[]../ Ampersand bracket bracket dot dot slash,
|{,,SYSTEM HALTED Vertical-bar curly-bracket comma comma CRASH.

Fred Bremmer and Steve Kroese (Calvin College & Seminary of Grand Rapids, MI.)

/// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\
/// \\\
\\\ sponsor Vim, vote for features -- ///
\\\ help me help AIDS victims -- ///

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[vim9script] Behavior of has_key()

The help entry for has_key() says that the key must be a string. In
legacy Vim script, however, this works fine:

let dd = {42: '42', v:true: 'T', 3.14: '3.14'}
echo dd->has_key(42)
echo dd->has_key(v:true)
echo dd->has_key(3.14)

In Vim 9 script, the behavior is different:

const dd = {42: '42', true: 'T', [3.14]: '3.14'}
echo dd->has_key(42) # OK
echo dd->has_key(v:true) # Error, must be string(v:true)
echo dd->has_key(3.14) # Error, must be string(3.14)

This seems a bit inconsistent to me. I don't have a problem with Vim
9 script being different from legacy script, but I think that either all
the three cases should raise an error, or none of them.

Besides, the documentation does not make it clear that implicit type
casting may happen.


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Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Re: List of Vim features to vote on

Hi Doug

there is a QED archive maintained by Arnold Robbins

regards - Chris

------ Original Message ------
From: "'Doug Wyatt' via vim_use" <>
Sent: Tuesday, 16 Aug, 2022 At 06:52
Subject: Re: List of Vim features to vote on

Let me throw in one from a long time ago -

Back in the 70's there was a text editor called QED, out of Canada,
that ran on Honeywell mainframes. It was a serious extension of vi/ex.

I once wrote a QED package that would allow me to link Yacc trees
together. The important tool that came with QED was the ability to
create named functions that could be invoked in a QED program, even
recursively. Some years ago I wrote them and asked if I could get a
copy of that text editor. Someone there actually sent me the source,
but almost immediately they told me they were not entitled to send that
and asked me to destroy my copy. I did as asked.

It would be awesome to see that capability resurrected in Vim!

Doug Wyatt

On 08/15/2022 08:00 AM, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

Hello Vim users!

The list of features has not been changed for quite a while, but there
are several outdated items and new items have been asked for.

The main reason to not update the list often is that users who have cast
their votes will have to update them. We don't want to cause that too

The list is also quite long. I have removed a few items that are
outdated and items with very few votes that are hardly relevant.

You can adjust your votes here, if you are a sponsor:
The voting results are here:

Items that have been added now:
- "add multiple cursors, edit text in more than one place at the same time"
- "add scrolling per screen line, first line can start halfway"
- "reduce flicker by avoiding to clear the screen"

Edited items:
- "improve syntax highlighting speed"
changed to: "improve syntax highlighting speed by adding a parser"
- "add IDE features (debugger integration, shell window)"
changed to: "improve IDE features (terminal debugger)"
- "add diff/merge capability for CVS, like in emacs"
changed to: "add diff/merge capability for git, mercurial et al."
- "improve the performance of Vim scripts (pre-compile them)"
changed to: "improve the performance of Vim script"
- "improve searching in the on-line help, add more tags"
changed to: "improve searching in the builtin help, add more tags"
- "improve the on-line help reference manual"
changed to: "improve the builtin help reference manual"
- "improve the on-line help user manual"
changed to: "improve the builtin help user manual"
- "translate the on-line help to German, French, Spanish, etc."
changed to: "translate the builtin help to German, French, Spanish,
- "improve the remote server functionality"
changed to: "improve the client-server functionality"
- "add option not to move the cursor when using a scrollbar"
changed to: "add option not to move the cursor when scrolling the

Items that have been removed, either because they have already been done
or they will never happen:
- "improve the support for X Window with the Athena toolkit"
- "add an "open" mode, like the original Vi"
- "add editing of a hidden buffer (useful in scripts only)"
- "improve the support for MacOS 9 and earlier"
- "make Vim available as a .net object"
- "add better support for editing files in projects (with ID utils)"
- "create a vim-script maillist, for announcements about new and updated
- "add autocommand events for Insert mode, before/after inserting a
- "add vertical mode for operators (e.g., delete word in five lines)"
- "add flexible tab stops, can be used for tables"

Happy voting!

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Monday, August 15, 2022

Re: List of Vim features to vote on

Let me throw in one from a long time ago -

Back in the 70's there was a text editor called QED, out of Canada,
that ran on Honeywell mainframes. It was a serious extension of vi/ex.

I once wrote a QED package that would allow me to link Yacc trees
together. The important tool that came with QED was the ability to
create named functions that could be invoked in a QED program, even
recursively. Some years ago I wrote them and asked if I could get a
copy of that text editor. Someone there actually sent me the source,
but almost immediately they told me they were not entitled to send that
and asked me to destroy my copy. I did as asked.

It would be awesome to see that capability resurrected in Vim!

Doug Wyatt

On 08/15/2022 08:00 AM, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> Hello Vim users!
> The list of features has not been changed for quite a while, but there
> are several outdated items and new items have been asked for.
> The main reason to not update the list often is that users who have cast
> their votes will have to update them. We don't want to cause that too
> frequently.
> The list is also quite long. I have removed a few items that are
> outdated and items with very few votes that are hardly relevant.
> You can adjust your votes here, if you are a sponsor:
> The voting results are here:
> Items that have been added now:
> - "add multiple cursors, edit text in more than one place at the same time"
> - "add scrolling per screen line, first line can start halfway"
> - "reduce flicker by avoiding to clear the screen"
> Edited items:
> - "improve syntax highlighting speed"
> changed to: "improve syntax highlighting speed by adding a parser"
> - "add IDE features (debugger integration, shell window)"
> changed to: "improve IDE features (terminal debugger)"
> - "add diff/merge capability for CVS, like in emacs"
> changed to: "add diff/merge capability for git, mercurial et al."
> - "improve the performance of Vim scripts (pre-compile them)"
> changed to: "improve the performance of Vim script"
> - "improve searching in the on-line help, add more tags"
> changed to: "improve searching in the builtin help, add more tags"
> - "improve the on-line help reference manual"
> changed to: "improve the builtin help reference manual"
> - "improve the on-line help user manual"
> changed to: "improve the builtin help user manual"
> - "translate the on-line help to German, French, Spanish, etc."
> changed to: "translate the builtin help to German, French, Spanish,
> etc."
> - "improve the remote server functionality"
> changed to: "improve the client-server functionality"
> - "add option not to move the cursor when using a scrollbar"
> changed to: "add option not to move the cursor when scrolling the
> window"
> Items that have been removed, either because they have already been done
> or they will never happen:
> - "improve the support for X Window with the Athena toolkit"
> - "add an "open" mode, like the original Vi"
> - "add editing of a hidden buffer (useful in scripts only)"
> - "improve the support for MacOS 9 and earlier"
> - "make Vim available as a .net object"
> - "add better support for editing files in projects (with ID utils)"
> - "create a vim-script maillist, for announcements about new and updated
> scripts"
> - "add autocommand events for Insert mode, before/after inserting a
> character"
> - "add vertical mode for operators (e.g., delete word in five lines)"
> - "add flexible tab stops, can be used for tables"
> Happy voting!

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Re: List of Vim features to vote on



On Mon, Aug 15, 2022 at 4:33 PM Tommy Bollman <> wrote:
Cant donate more than digits of an euro with chrome, from norway.

man. 15. aug. 2022, 15:00 skrev Bram Moolenaar <>:

Hello Vim users!

The list of features has not been changed for quite a while, but there
are several outdated items and new items have been asked for.

The main reason to not update the list often is that users who have cast
their votes will have to update them.  We don't want to cause that too

The list is also quite long.  I have removed a few items that are
outdated and items with very few votes that are hardly relevant.

You can adjust your votes here, if you are a sponsor:
The voting results are here:

Items that have been added now:
- "add multiple cursors, edit text in more than one place at the same time"
- "add scrolling per screen line, first line can start halfway"
- "reduce flicker by avoiding to clear the screen"

Edited items:
- "improve syntax highlighting speed"
  changed to: "improve syntax highlighting speed by adding a parser"
- "add IDE features (debugger integration, shell window)"
  changed to: "improve IDE features (terminal debugger)"
- "add diff/merge capability for CVS, like in emacs"
  changed to: "add diff/merge capability for git, mercurial et al."
- "improve the performance of Vim scripts (pre-compile them)"
  changed to: "improve the performance of Vim script"
- "improve searching in the on-line help, add more tags"
  changed to: "improve searching in the builtin help, add more tags"
- "improve the on-line help reference manual"
  changed to: "improve the builtin help reference manual"
- "improve the on-line help user manual"
  changed to: "improve the builtin help user manual"
- "translate the on-line help to German, French, Spanish, etc."
  changed to: "translate the builtin help to German, French, Spanish,
- "improve the remote server functionality"
  changed to: "improve the client-server functionality"
- "add option not to move the cursor when using a scrollbar"
  changed to: "add option not to move the cursor when scrolling the

Items that have been removed, either because they have already been done
or they will never happen:
- "improve the support for X Window with the Athena toolkit"
- "add an "open" mode, like the original Vi"
- "add editing of a hidden buffer (useful in scripts only)"
- "improve the support for MacOS 9 and earlier"
- "make Vim available as a .net object"
- "add better support for editing files in projects (with ID utils)"
- "create a vim-script maillist, for announcements about new and updated
- "add autocommand events for Insert mode, before/after inserting a
- "add vertical mode for operators (e.g., delete word in five lines)"
- "add flexible tab stops, can be used for tables"

Happy voting!

GUARD #1:  What, ridden on a horse?
ARTHUR:    Yes!
GUARD #1:  You're using coconuts!
ARTHUR:    What?
GUARD #1:  You've got two empty halves of coconut and you're bangin' 'em
                                  The Quest for the Holy Grail (Monty Python)

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///                                                                      \\\
\\\        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///

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Re: List of Vim features to vote on

Cant donate more than digits of an euro with chrome, from norway.

man. 15. aug. 2022, 15:00 skrev Bram Moolenaar <>:

Hello Vim users!

The list of features has not been changed for quite a while, but there
are several outdated items and new items have been asked for.

The main reason to not update the list often is that users who have cast
their votes will have to update them.  We don't want to cause that too

The list is also quite long.  I have removed a few items that are
outdated and items with very few votes that are hardly relevant.

You can adjust your votes here, if you are a sponsor:
The voting results are here:

Items that have been added now:
- "add multiple cursors, edit text in more than one place at the same time"
- "add scrolling per screen line, first line can start halfway"
- "reduce flicker by avoiding to clear the screen"

Edited items:
- "improve syntax highlighting speed"
  changed to: "improve syntax highlighting speed by adding a parser"
- "add IDE features (debugger integration, shell window)"
  changed to: "improve IDE features (terminal debugger)"
- "add diff/merge capability for CVS, like in emacs"
  changed to: "add diff/merge capability for git, mercurial et al."
- "improve the performance of Vim scripts (pre-compile them)"
  changed to: "improve the performance of Vim script"
- "improve searching in the on-line help, add more tags"
  changed to: "improve searching in the builtin help, add more tags"
- "improve the on-line help reference manual"
  changed to: "improve the builtin help reference manual"
- "improve the on-line help user manual"
  changed to: "improve the builtin help user manual"
- "translate the on-line help to German, French, Spanish, etc."
  changed to: "translate the builtin help to German, French, Spanish,
- "improve the remote server functionality"
  changed to: "improve the client-server functionality"
- "add option not to move the cursor when using a scrollbar"
  changed to: "add option not to move the cursor when scrolling the

Items that have been removed, either because they have already been done
or they will never happen:
- "improve the support for X Window with the Athena toolkit"
- "add an "open" mode, like the original Vi"
- "add editing of a hidden buffer (useful in scripts only)"
- "improve the support for MacOS 9 and earlier"
- "make Vim available as a .net object"
- "add better support for editing files in projects (with ID utils)"
- "create a vim-script maillist, for announcements about new and updated
- "add autocommand events for Insert mode, before/after inserting a
- "add vertical mode for operators (e.g., delete word in five lines)"
- "add flexible tab stops, can be used for tables"

Happy voting!

GUARD #1:  What, ridden on a horse?
ARTHUR:    Yes!
GUARD #1:  You're using coconuts!
ARTHUR:    What?
GUARD #1:  You've got two empty halves of coconut and you're bangin' 'em
                                  The Quest for the Holy Grail (Monty Python)

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///                                                                      \\\
\\\        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///

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Re: List of Vim features to vote on

It feels like some of these are measurable while others are...less

Speed ones--is the new iteration faster than the previous version?

New features--feature wasn't there, now it is

But other ones like "improve X" feel a lot more nebulous. Sure,
documentation improvements are always welcome when they happen, but
it's much harder to test for "improved".

Otherwise, thanks for the update!


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List of Vim features to vote on

Hello Vim users!

The list of features has not been changed for quite a while, but there
are several outdated items and new items have been asked for.

The main reason to not update the list often is that users who have cast
their votes will have to update them. We don't want to cause that too

The list is also quite long. I have removed a few items that are
outdated and items with very few votes that are hardly relevant.

You can adjust your votes here, if you are a sponsor:
The voting results are here:

Items that have been added now:
- "add multiple cursors, edit text in more than one place at the same time"
- "add scrolling per screen line, first line can start halfway"
- "reduce flicker by avoiding to clear the screen"

Edited items:
- "improve syntax highlighting speed"
changed to: "improve syntax highlighting speed by adding a parser"
- "add IDE features (debugger integration, shell window)"
changed to: "improve IDE features (terminal debugger)"
- "add diff/merge capability for CVS, like in emacs"
changed to: "add diff/merge capability for git, mercurial et al."
- "improve the performance of Vim scripts (pre-compile them)"
changed to: "improve the performance of Vim script"
- "improve searching in the on-line help, add more tags"
changed to: "improve searching in the builtin help, add more tags"
- "improve the on-line help reference manual"
changed to: "improve the builtin help reference manual"
- "improve the on-line help user manual"
changed to: "improve the builtin help user manual"
- "translate the on-line help to German, French, Spanish, etc."
changed to: "translate the builtin help to German, French, Spanish,
- "improve the remote server functionality"
changed to: "improve the client-server functionality"
- "add option not to move the cursor when using a scrollbar"
changed to: "add option not to move the cursor when scrolling the

Items that have been removed, either because they have already been done
or they will never happen:
- "improve the support for X Window with the Athena toolkit"
- "add an "open" mode, like the original Vi"
- "add editing of a hidden buffer (useful in scripts only)"
- "improve the support for MacOS 9 and earlier"
- "make Vim available as a .net object"
- "add better support for editing files in projects (with ID utils)"
- "create a vim-script maillist, for announcements about new and updated
- "add autocommand events for Insert mode, before/after inserting a
- "add vertical mode for operators (e.g., delete word in five lines)"
- "add flexible tab stops, can be used for tables"

Happy voting!

GUARD #1: What, ridden on a horse?
GUARD #1: You're using coconuts!
GUARD #1: You've got two empty halves of coconut and you're bangin' 'em
The Quest for the Holy Grail (Monty Python)

/// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\
/// \\\
\\\ sponsor Vim, vote for features -- ///
\\\ help me help AIDS victims -- ///

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Sunday, August 14, 2022

Re: Regex with backslashes in a collection

On 2022-08-14, JohnBeckett wrote:
> > [\[] is a collection containing two characters, \ and [
> Yes, that's what my test shows. The problem is that the pattern \\[\[] finds "\
> \" and "\[" but not "\".

Right. Your pattern says to find a \ followed by one of the
items of the collection containing \ and [. So, it will match
either of


but not a single \ unless it is immediately followed by a [. If you
want it to also match a single \, you could use this:


which will match \ followed by zero or one of \ or [.


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Question about indentation of if in lisp mode


I've recently started learning lisp and noticed that vim (when in lisp
mode) tries to indent if in this way:

(if <predicate>

However, my impression from the learning resources I have at hand (SICP
book, guile source code and glimpse at how emacs does it) is that the
"common" way is:

(if <predicate>

In the end I've managed to figure out that putting this line into .vimrc
gets me the behavior I want:

set lw-=if

Now, I would like to ask a couple of questions and I hope someone will
be kind enough to answer :)

1. Is it fine to do `lw -= if'? Does it affect anything except the
indentation? From the documentation it seems to be safe, but I want
to make sure.
2. Why is the default indentation like this? From where does it
originate, what lisp variant prefers it?
3. The 'lw' contains `case' as well, however for it the indentation is as
one would expect, why?
4. Would it be possible (and desired) to change the default behaviour,
at least when not in vi-compatible mode?

Thank you for your time and have a nice day,

There are only two hard things in Computer Science:
cache invalidation, naming things and off-by-one errors.

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Re: Regex with backslashes in a collection


No magic or anything set as you can see. Matches \[ or \]. 


lør. 13. aug. 2022, 9:24 a.m. skrev JohnBeckett <>:
I'm using Vim 8 or 9 with 'magic' and re=0 (same using re=1).

I want to find "\[" or "\]" in text like:

The following pattern also find the two backslashes.

Help says that a backslash in a collection (if not followed
by certain characters) just means a backslash.
:help /\]

Why does the pattern find two backslashes (but not one)?

These patterns find only "\]" (good):

But this finds "\[" and "\\" (not "\"):


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Re: Regex with backslashes in a collection

> [\[] is a collection containing two characters, \ and [

Yes, that's what my test shows. The problem is that the pattern \\[\[] finds "\\" and "\[" but not "\".


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Re: Regex with backslashes in a collection

On 2022-08-13, arocker wrote:
> > I'm using Vim 8 or 9 with 'magic' and re=0 (same using re=1).
> >
> > I want to find "\[" or "\]" in text like:
> > abc\[def\]ghi\\xy\z
> >
> The problem may lie in the boundary of a character class, [ and ] and the
> rules about its content.
> Does the regex interpreter read [\[] as 2 characters, "\ or ]" or as one
> "literal ]"; or "literal \"? How is the following "]" parsed?

According to ":help /\]", [\[] is a collection containing two
characters, \ and [.


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Saturday, August 13, 2022

Re: Regex with backslashes in a collection

> I'm using Vim 8 or 9 with 'magic' and re=0 (same using re=1).
> I want to find "\[" or "\]" in text like:
> abc\[def\]ghi\\xy\z

The problem may lie in the boundary of a character class, [ and ] and the
rules about its content.
Does the regex interpreter read [\[] as 2 characters, "\ or ]" or as one
"literal ]"; or "literal \"? How is the following "]" parsed?

There may be enough ambiguity in the definitions that tests will only be
valid in the particular interpreter.

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Regex with backslashes in a collection

I'm using Vim 8 or 9 with 'magic' and re=0 (same using re=1).

I want to find "\[" or "\]" in text like:

The following pattern also find the two backslashes.

Help says that a backslash in a collection (if not followed
by certain characters) just means a backslash.
:help /\]

Why does the pattern find two backslashes (but not one)?

These patterns find only "\]" (good):

But this finds "\[" and "\\" (not "\"):


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Friday, August 12, 2022

Re: vim9 exported functions not recognized by ctags

And YES It Is !!  :)

Windows configuration of vim9script  ctags extension

1/ In your $MYVIMRC ~_vimrc (here vim9script) just put these lines :

g:tagbar_type_vim = {
       kinds: [
          \ 'a:autocommand groups:1',
          \ 'c:commands:0:0',
          \ 'e:exported defs',
          \ 'f:functions',
          \ 'g:global variables',
          \ 'K:constants',
          \ 'm:maps:1:0',
          \ 'n:vimball filenames',
          \ 'v:variables:1:0',
      \ ],

2/ In your $vimruntime ~ vim90 folder where there is ctags.exe v5.9 just add  file in folder .ctags.d/vim.ctags

--kinddef-vim=e,export,Vim 9 exported defs
--kinddef-vim=g,global,Vim 9 global variables
--kinddef-vim=K,const,Vim 9 constants

and see the light : all exported defs vim9script functions are now displayed !   :) :)

Hope this help someone.
Le jeudi 11 août 2022 à 19:55:48 UTC+2, Lifepillar a écrit :
On 2022-08-11, N V <> wrote:
> So I put it in *somewhereOvertherainbow\*Vim\vim90\.ctags.d

If you put Ctags configuration there, does `ctags --list-kinds=vim`
still use it?

> But it seems to not runnning well : does not displays vim9 exported
> functions

I'm afraid I can't help you with Windows-specific configuration, as I'm
not using Windows.


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Re: New version of vim unsolicitedly sourcing defaults.vim?

On 2022-08-12, Christian Brabandt wrote:
> On Fr, 12 Aug 2022, Tim Chase wrote:

> > The other settings in defaults.vim don't usually give me much grief, but
> > having a non-0 'scrolloff' means my usual
> >
> > {count}H
> > {count}L
> >
> > no longer land {count} lines from the top/bottom of the screen,
> > but rather {count} + &scrolloff lines from the top/bottom.
> The 'scrolloff' setting is also my major issue with defaults.vim and it
> makes copy/pasting with a mouse from a terminal so much more harder.
> Sometimes I find it useful when searching and I need the context, but
> when I do, setting it explicitly is good enough.

I also want to move the cursor anywhere on the screen while also
wanting some context around search hits. I have this mapping and
function in my vimrc which enables 'scrolloff' briefly at the end
of n and N commands.

nnoremap <silent> n :call ScrolloffCmd('nzv')<cr>
nnoremap <silent> N :call ScrolloffCmd('Nzv')<cr>
function! ScrolloffCmd(cmd)
exe 'normal!' a:cmd
echohl ErrorMsg
echomsg matchstr(v:exception, ':\zs.*')
echohl NONE
let l:scrolloff = &scrolloff
set scrolloff=2
let &scrolloff = l:scrolloff

I've done similar corrections for tag jumps and quickfix jumps.
That doesn't cover every case where it would be nice to have context
following a jump, but it covers the most annoying ones.


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Building VIM 9 on Ubuntu

Solved (more or less).

I now understand the point of "build-dep" and it works (but see below).  Before posting, I had searched the web and found something about build-dep that implied it was a package to install (rather than a command).  Note that there is also something called "build-essentials" that *is* a package to install.

Anyway, the command: apt-get build-dep vim-gtk3
failed on the main the Ubuntu machine that I was originally working on - got lots of errors like:

Package something something depends on somethingelse somethingelse which is not going to be installed.

I'm guessing the repos for that version of Ubuntu are just too old (no longer maintained).

However, on a different Debian-ish system, I was able to do the build-dep command successfully and then to successfully build Vim9 with GTK GUI.  So, that's something, I guess.

The only ./configure option I needed to include was the --prefix=...

BTW, I don't understand the stuff here about using environment variables, but that's OK.

Re: New version of vim unsolicitedly sourcing defaults.vim?

On Fr, 12 Aug 2022, Tim Chase wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 12, 2022 at 12:29:24AM +0200, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> > I believe that Vim has a good set of defaults, including (in recent
> > versions) sourcing defaults.vim when no user vimrc was found (if you
> > have a vimrc, and still want the settings of the defaults.vim, or most
> > of them like I do, well, just source it), so a system vimrc is almost
> > never necessary, or even useful.
> The other settings in defaults.vim don't usually give me much grief, but
> having a non-0 'scrolloff' means my usual
> {count}H
> {count}L
> no longer land {count} lines from the top/bottom of the screen,
> but rather {count} + &scrolloff lines from the top/bottom.

The 'scrolloff' setting is also my major issue with defaults.vim and it
makes copy/pasting with a mouse from a terminal so much more harder.

Sometimes I find it useful when searching and I need the context, but
when I do, setting it explicitly is good enough.

> Additionally a non-empty 'mouse' setting means that my usual "select
> some text with the mouse (like I do in every other terminal situation)
> and let my xterm/rxvt put it in the X selection buffer" stops
> working.

Funnily enough, the mouse setting does not hurt me as much as expected.

Hm actually it looks like most distributions that I have to jump on (
which are usually enterprise distros), either use the same source
package or all of them patch out setting the mouse in defaults.vim

> > Forking Vim is possible and the license allows it
> In this case, it's less of a fork and more of a light patching/tweak
> atop the stock distro, allowing it to more easily track the vim
> upstream, but this particular change caused unfortunate side-effects.

In my opinion, forks just create too much of hate in the community.

Kleiner Schmerz ist in Augenblicken leidlich, aber nicht in der
Fortdauer; also liegt die Ursache unserer Ungeduld darin, daß er uns
immer unterbricht.
-- Jean Paul

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Thursday, August 11, 2022

Re: vim9 exported functions not recognized by ctags

ok -list-kinds=vim are now known inside vim through system(' ctags.exe --list-kinds=vim  ') command as shown in buffer left side,

on right side I don't see exported functions..


Le vendredi 12 août 2022 à 05:57:01 UTC+2, N V a écrit :
       It does not work for me with .ctags.d in $HOMEPATH

  2.1.14 FILES 
tags The default tag file created by ctags. 
TAGS The default tag file created by etags. 
$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ctags/*.ctags, or $HOME/.config/ctags/*.ctags if 
$XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not defined (on other than MS Windows) 
$HOMEDRIVE$HOMEPATH/ctags.d/*.ctags (on MS Windows only) 
.ctags.d/*.ctags ctags.d/*.ctags  

  • It works only if i change to directory embedding .ctags.d before launch ctags.exe --list-kinds=vim

Results :

somewhereOverTheRainbow\Vim\vim90>dir .ctags.d

 Répertoire de somewhereOverTheRainbow\Vim\vim90\.ctags.d

12/08/2022  05:30    <DIR>          .
12/08/2022  05:30    <DIR>          ..
12/08/2022  04:24               337 vim.ctags
               1 fichier(s)              337 octets
               2 Rép(s)  135 332 417 536 octets libres

somewhereOverTheRainbow\Vim\vim90>ctags --list-kinds=vim

a  autocommand groups
c  user-defined commands
f  function definitions
m  maps
v  variable definitions
n  vimball filename
C  constant definitions
e  Vim 9 exported defs
g  Vim 9 global variables
K  Vim 9 constants

somewhereOverTheRainbow\Vim\vim90>cd ..

somewhereOverTheRainbow\Vim>.\vim90\ctags.exe --list-kinds=vim

a  autocommand groups
c  user-defined commands
f  function definitions
m  maps
v  variable definitions
n  vimball filename
C  constant definitions

Or maybe I have to add to &path in Vim the folder that contains .ctags.d

Le jeudi 11 août 2022 à 19:55:48 UTC+2, Lifepillar a écrit :
On 2022-08-11, N V <> wrote:
> So I put it in *somewhereOvertherainbow\*Vim\vim90\.ctags.d

If you put Ctags configuration there, does `ctags --list-kinds=vim`
still use it?

> But it seems to not runnning well : does not displays vim9 exported
> functions

I'm afraid I can't help you with Windows-specific configuration, as I'm
not using Windows.


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Re: vim9 exported functions not recognized by ctags

  • Considering the help here
       It does not work for me with .ctags.d in $HOMEPATH

  2.1.14 FILES 
tags The default tag file created by ctags. 
TAGS The default tag file created by etags. 
$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ctags/*.ctags, or $HOME/.config/ctags/*.ctags if 
$XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not defined (on other than MS Windows) 
$HOMEDRIVE$HOMEPATH/ctags.d/*.ctags (on MS Windows only) 
.ctags.d/*.ctags ctags.d/*.ctags  

  • It works only if i change to directory embedding .ctags.d before launch ctags.exe --list-kinds=vim

Results :

somewhereOverTheRainbow\Vim\vim90>dir .ctags.d

 Répertoire de somewhereOverTheRainbow\Vim\vim90\.ctags.d

12/08/2022  05:30    <DIR>          .
12/08/2022  05:30    <DIR>          ..
12/08/2022  04:24               337 vim.ctags
               1 fichier(s)              337 octets
               2 Rép(s)  135 332 417 536 octets libres

somewhereOverTheRainbow\Vim\vim90>ctags --list-kinds=vim
a  autocommand groups
c  user-defined commands
f  function definitions
m  maps
v  variable definitions
n  vimball filename
C  constant definitions
e  Vim 9 exported defs
g  Vim 9 global variables
K  Vim 9 constants

somewhereOverTheRainbow\Vim\vim90>cd ..

somewhereOverTheRainbow\Vim>.\vim90\ctags.exe --list-kinds=vim
a  autocommand groups
c  user-defined commands
f  function definitions
m  maps
v  variable definitions
n  vimball filename
C  constant definitions

Or maybe I have to add to &path in Vim the folder that contains .ctags.d

Le jeudi 11 août 2022 à 19:55:48 UTC+2, Lifepillar a écrit :
On 2022-08-11, N V <> wrote:
> So I put it in *somewhereOvertherainbow\*Vim\vim90\.ctags.d

If you put Ctags configuration there, does `ctags --list-kinds=vim`
still use it?

> But it seems to not runnning well : does not displays vim9 exported
> functions

I'm afraid I can't help you with Windows-specific configuration, as I'm
not using Windows.


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Re: New version of vim unsolicitedly sourcing defaults.vim?

On Fri, Aug 12, 2022 at 12:29:24AM +0200, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> I believe that Vim has a good set of defaults, including (in recent
> versions) sourcing defaults.vim when no user vimrc was found (if you
> have a vimrc, and still want the settings of the defaults.vim, or most
> of them like I do, well, just source it), so a system vimrc is almost
> never necessary, or even useful.

The other settings in defaults.vim don't usually give me much grief, but
having a non-0 'scrolloff' means my usual


no longer land {count} lines from the top/bottom of the screen,
but rather {count} + &scrolloff lines from the top/bottom.

Additionally a non-empty 'mouse' setting means that my usual "select
some text with the mouse (like I do in every other terminal situation)
and let my xterm/rxvt put it in the X selection buffer" stops

> I don't think a distro should patch the defaults.vim, or any other Vim
> source file for that matter. Vim is good enough as it stands, and if a

Of the two items I found valuable in the FreeBSD tweaks, one was

let g:is_posix = 1 " Our /bin/sh is POSIX, not bash

as detailed at `:help ft-posix-syntax`. It also sounded reasonable
to have a BufNewFile read in a template when creating a new file
under the ports tree, but it feels like this would be better
instituted in some ft-detection section of things rather than in

> Forking Vim is possible and the license allows it

In this case, it's less of a fork and more of a light patching/tweak
atop the stock distro, allowing it to more easily track the vim
upstream, but this particular change caused unfortunate side-effects.


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Re: New version of vim unsolicitedly sourcing defaults.vim?

On Thu, Aug 11, 2022 at 3:18 PM Tim Chase <> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 11, 2022 at 11:31:22AM +0200, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> >On Tue, Aug 9, 2022 at 7:54 PM Tim Chase <> wrote:
> >>
> >> I upgraded packages on my FreeBSD box yesterday and noticed that
> >> vimrc behavior had changed.
> [snip]
> >> :scriptnames
> >
> > Yes, it's your distro admins giving you what they think is good for
> > you.
> that matches our conclusions (see the ticket on the FreeBSD bug-tracker)
> > What I do near (but not at) the top of my ~/.vimrc is source the
> > $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim (which, in recent versions of Vim,
> > sources the defaults.vim) and then undo whatever it sets that I don't
> > like
> I don't want to have to keep up with whatever new settings get put
> in defaults.vim, undoing them back to what I want (i.e., what they
> were before this whole defaults.vim thing). I feel vim did the
> right thing with the "if they have a vimrc, don't source defaults.vim".

That's your choice, and it's a sensible one.

Long before defaults.vim existed, I decided that the vimrc_example.vim
did _almost_ what I wanted, so I sourced it then undid the very few
settings which were not what I liked. There weren't many, so that
works for me. YMMV.

> As detailed at that ticket, I believe the best solution is for
> FreeBSD to not have a system vimrc that sources defaults.vim
> unconditionally, but rather to have their ports process patch the
> defaults.vim to contain the couple extra helper bits they want.
> -tim

I believe that Vim has a good set of defaults, including (in recent
versions) sourcing defaults.vim when no user vimrc was found (if you
have a vimrc, and still want the settings of the defaults.vim, or most
of them like I do, well, just source it), so a system vimrc is almost
never necessary, or even useful.

I don't think a distro should patch the defaults.vim, or any other Vim
source file for that matter. Vim is good enough as it stands, and if a
bug is found in it, then IMHO a distro maintainer ought to report the
bug (and any fix or workaround they found) to Bram (or, in the case of
a plugin, to the plugin maintainer), just like any user can, so that
(a) all Vim users, and not only those of that particular distro, can
profit from the bugfix; (b) at least one additional pair of eyes
(Bram's) will have a look at the proposed fix before it becames part
of Vim; and (c) if that proposed fix prevents Vim from building, even
on some different platform, someone will find that out really fast.

Forking Vim is possible and the license allows it; but once some
distro does it, they'll have to import into their fork any new
enhancements brought into the Vim source, or that fork will fall
behind fast; and OTOH any changes relative to the "official" Vim must
be made available to Bram gratis on request, letting him use them in
the official source without restriction if (and only if) he wants to.

Best regards,

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Re: Build Vim without +vim9script

On 2022-08-11, Bram Moolenaar <> wrote:
>> Is it possible to build Vim without support for Vim 9 script?
>> I would like to build Vim without +vim9script for testing purposes.
>> I have tried to pass --disable-vim9script to ./configure, but it does
>> not recognize the option. And I can't find anything related to Vim
>> 9 script in feature.h.
> Simple answer: no.

Cool, thanks for confirming that I am not missing something. I will
build an old version then.


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