Yes - from the beginning function name is empty.
I'm not expert in taglist, so I can just make an assumption. I suppose, plugin automatically updates its dictionary files only when taglist window is visible.
I was succeeded to show function name using ":TlistAddFiles %"
So - that task can be automated somehow :)
On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 12:10 AM, David Chanters <> wrote:
Hmm, I extraced the taglist plugin under ~/.vim/ as per the
instructions and updated my statusline setting in ~/.vimrc so it looks
like this:
set statusline=%<%#MyGitBranch#%{GitBranchInfoString()}%*\
%f%=%([%{Tlist_Get_Tagname_By_Line()}]%)\ %h%m%r%=%-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %P
(If this mailer wraps that line it's actually all on one line in my ~/.vimrc)
Yet I see *nothing* printed out on my statusline when editing .c
files, and I even manually:
:so ~/.vim/plugin/taglist.vim
.... just in case, but that had no effect for the statusline. I can
use other features of the taglist plugin whether I manually source it
or not, so I know it's loading up just fine.
Any ideas why I might not see the function name?
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