urxvt.scrollTtyOutput: 0
urxvt.scrollTtyKeypress: 1
urxvt.background: #000000
urxvt.foreground: #9a9a9a
urxvt.color0: #000000
urxvt.color1: #af0000
urxvt.color2: #00af00
urxvt.color3: #afaf00
urxvt.color4: #00ff00
urxvt.color5: #af00af
urxvt.color6: #00afaf
urxvt.color7: #9a9a9a
urxvt.color8: #5f5f5f
urxvt.color9: #d70000
urxvt.color10: #00d700
urxvt.color11: #d7d700
urxvt.color12: #00FF00
urxvt.color13: #d700d7
urxvt.color14: #00d7d7
urxvt.color15: #d7d7d7
I don't know if that's what you're asking about. I don't know how
terminal vim interacts with the colors of urxvt, though.
On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 12:06 PM, Patrick Gen-Paul<pgenpaul@gmail.com> wrote:
> Nathan Neff wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm using a custom Xdefaults file for my terminal (urxvt), and I like
>> how Vim looks
>> in the terminal.
>> Is there an easy way to make a colorscheme file for Gvim that makes Gvim look
>> like my terminal colors?
>> I've seen quite a few discussions on how to go from Gvim --> Terminal,
>> but not the other
>> way around.
> Difficult to help without a bit more detail about your context.
> What color scheme - if any - are you using in the terminal?
> I could be wrong, but this sounds like you could duplicate the color
> scheme file, replace all instances of ctermfg and ctermbg by
> respectively guifg and guibg, save the file.. and you're done (?)
> Gen-Paul.
> >
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