Monday, August 31, 2009

Re: globpath with an expression

On Aug 31, 6:33 am, David Fishburn <> wrote:
> Vim 7.2.1-255
> Not quite getting something.
> I can do this:
> echo globpath('C:\temp', 'test')
> -- Nothing
> echo globpath('C:\temp', 'test.*')
> c:\temp\test.db
> c:\temp\test.js
> c:\temp\test.log
> c:\temp\test.vim
> echo globpath('C:\temp', 'test\(.*\)')
> c:\temp\test.db
> c:\temp\test.js
> c:\temp\test.log
> c:\temp\test.vim
> echo globpath('C:\temp', 'test\(.vim\)')
> -- Nothing
> So, I am trying to use a regular expression to start limiting the files.
> Any ideas on what I am missing?

The globpath function does not take a regular expression, but rather a
glob pattern, such as would be accepted by glob(). To see what
metacharacters are significant...
:help wildcard

I'm not sure why the \( \) construct is accepted. Note, however, that
the `.' in your examples is matching a literal `.', not "any
character" as it would in a regex. This being the case, I would expect
'test\(.vim\)' and 'test\(.*\)' to pass or fail together, but I'm
thinking that \( \) may be taking advantage of some undocumented
behavior. Perhaps I've just overlooked something in the documentation.

Brett S.

> TIA,
> Dave
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