> Thank you very much. That makes a lot more sense.
> I'm acutally using vim in windows, and I did add that plugin to the location
> where all the other plugins are located, but according to :scriptnames, vim
> doens't automatically load the one that I added (the one you wrote) ... it
> loads all the other ones in that directory except for the added one.
> But nevertheless, I was able to get my job done. I used csplit to split the
> file into its 500 constituent files. Then I used a command in unix with a
> for loop to rename them appropriately.
> Thank you very much once again. I really appreciate all of your help and
> taking the time to respond to me. And it was good that I learned about the
> plugins, I'm sure that will come in useful another time.
You did restart Vim after dropping the plugin in (whatever)/plugin/
(where (whatever) is some directory in 'runtimepath' other than
$VIMRUNTIME), didn't you?
Global plugins are loaded only at startup. If you add one while Vim is
already running, it won't "see" it. Also, all Vim scripts other than
vimrc (, .vimrc, _vimrc) and gvimrc (, .gvimrc, _gvimrc) must have the
.vim extension ta the end of their name.
Best regards,
Q: How many IBM cpu's does it take to do a logical right shift?
A: 33. 1 to hold the bits and 32 to push the register.
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