Monday, August 31, 2009

Re: Trying to post.

Saluton Patrick :)

Patrick Gen-Paul <> skribis:
>>> Another good reason to unsubscribe after all that useless ranting.
>> do not let that be a reason to quit the vim list -- we of vim have a
>> long history of opening mouths and inserting feet -- speaking for
>> myself only of course...
> I wouldn't seriously think of unsubscribing for such reasons anyway,
> but as I mentioned elsewhere, I already have rather busy list nights..
> On the other hand folks have been so tolerant of my antics so far that
> I  may have a change of heart.

First: don't unsubscribe for such reasons ;) Second: this list is, to
date, the kindest and best behaved one I've been a member of. People is
always willing to help and except for a couple of trolling attempts and
the humongous amount of spam (that, hopefully, won't ever make its way
to the list), it is for me the best list I've ever joined because people
here is great.

I understand that you are busy and that reading more than a couple of
mailing lists can be a nightmare, though. Anyway, you're welcome if you
want to stay :)

> Would you believe that hanks to my silly problem and the ensuing
> rants, I'm gonna end up in the list's top ten posters this month...??

Yes, I believe it XDDDDDD I've done the same in some lists, too O:)

Raúl "DervishD" Núñez de Arenas Coronado
Linux Registered User 88736 |
It's my PC and I'll cry if I want to... RAmen!

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