Sunday, August 30, 2009

RE: Trying to post.

Patrick Gen-Paul wrote:
> Er.. you mean that if I subscribe to the
> mailing list, proceed to post a message from my
> machine, I then have to use a web browser rather than my MUA
> to follow up..?? Or in other words I have to subscribe from a
> non-gmail account to function normally within the context of
> this mailing list...???

You would only have trouble if you wanted to reply to your OWN
message. Sending a new message and replying to a message sent by
anyone else would be no problem (using whatever mail client you

As bill lam said, this is a very well known problem to do with
your gmail account, and has nothing to do with the system used
for the mailing list. I also have a gmail account, and am
irritated by exactly the same issue both here and on mailman
lists. However, in practice, it is not a problem because I
rarely need to reply to myself.


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