Monday, August 31, 2009

Re: Use terminal colors in GUI Vim?

Hi Gary!

On Mo, 31 Aug 2009, Gary Johnson wrote:

> g:colors_name is set when :colorscheme is executed, if the
> colorscheme file is properly written. If vim says that
> g:colors_name is undefined, then :colorscheme has not been executed.

Or the colorscheme did not set g:colors_name, which would be a bug.
(g:colors_name has to be defined by the colorscheme).

~$ grep g:colors_name ~/.vim/colors/*.vim
.vim/colors/black_angus.vim:let g:colors_name = "black_angus"
.vim/colors/cb256.vim:let g:colors_name="cb256"
.vim/colors/desert256.vim:let g:colors_name="desert256"
.vim/colors/dw_blue.vim:let g:colors_name="dw_blue"
.vim/colors/maroloccio.vim:let g:colors_name="maroloccio"
.vim/colors/peaksea.vim:let g:colors_name = expand("<sfile>:t:r")
.vim/colors/sean.vim:let g:colors_name = "sean"
.vim/colors/transparent.vim:let g:colors_name="transparent"
.vim/colors/zenburn.vim:let g:colors_name="zenburn"


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