Sunday, January 30, 2011

Re: Basic scripting question

Christian Brabandt <> [11-01-30 10:40]:
> Hi meino.cramer!
> On So, 30 Jan 2011, wrote:
> > this is a very basic question ... I am currently learning vim
> > scripting.
> >
> > With getline(.) I can get the contents of a line of a buffer.
> >
> > But: i
> > How can I replace a line in the buffer with another contents?
> Use setline() or first delete its contents and then paste your buffer in
> there.
> > How can I delete a line completly so it become an empty one or
> > vanishes?
> Use the normal dd command
> or use the :d _ command
> or use setline('.', '')
> > How can I insert a line at a certain point?
> Use the append() or setline function calls.
> > How can a define the position in the text where this all will happen?
> position the cursor somewhere using cursor() or setpos(). Alternatively,
> if you use setline() or append(), they take as argument, on which line
> to operate.
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Christian
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Hi Christian,

thanks for your help! :)

"setline()" seems to be the swiss army knife for me... ;)

Best regards,

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