Friday, January 28, 2011

Re: Typing numbers

> There's only so much can fit under my skull.. and I prefer to stick with
> a limited subset of keyboard actions that may not be the quickest and
> most efficient for all occasions.. but that I can use without hesitation
> or incurring any overhead rememberiing. Namely that if the cursor is at
> the beginning of the line above and I want to get to the '..ii..' typo
> in 'rememberiing.', I find it considerably more effective when all is
> told to just hit 'w' till I get to the beginning of the word
> 'rememberiing'.. and either hit llll.. or hit 'e' to get to the end of
> the word and then 'hh' followed by 'x' to delete the last of the two
> 'i''s.. What would I really gain by counting 1, 2, 3.. it's the 3rd 'i'
> I want to remove.. or wait a minute.. is it the second..? Huh..
> Now I'm aware that I could also jump to the next sentence and work
> backward.. and there are probably other ways to get to that extra 'i' in
> fewer keystrokes than my clumsy approach, but all in all, I much prefer
> sticking to wwww.. or eeee.. and occasionally bbb.. etc. because it
> would take me longer to produce the 'find the third i' or 'jump to next
> sentence' key sequence than typing three or four (five or six..) 'w''s
> in succession.

Hehe. Since we're sharing...If I were fixing 'rememberiing', I probably
would have done:


No need to count, and no need to watch what I'm doing to know when to
stop repeatedly pushing something either. I do this a lot. If I see an
error on the screen, I just use / to quickly jump to it, or at least to
something 'unique' in its near vicinity, and then fix it. Sometimes I
don't type enough to get me straight there, and need an n or two, but
that still tends to be quicker for me than moving around by repeating
other movement keys. YMMV.


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