Friday, January 28, 2011

Re: Remapping CTRL-I to

On 01/27/2011 10:56 PM, Chris Jones wrote:
> Is it possible to remap CTRL-I to 'Escape' in insert mode
> without remapping <Tab> at the same time?
> I normally use CTRL+[ because the Escape key on my laptop is
> impossible to reach but even that is not really comfortable.

As others have mentioned, using ^I is a tough choice because it's
usually treated as a <tab>. However there are other keys that
may be accessible on your laptop. I happen to have <F1> remapped
to <esc> as well because they're so physically close (and if I
want help, I know to ask for it at the command-line) it's easy
for me to mash a finger in the top-left of my keyboard to hit one
of them.

Alternatively, you could use some other control combination that
you don't use frequently in insert-mode. Very few folks I know
use ^A in insert mode (I can only think of about twice in my
~10yrs of vimming where it wasn't (a) to learn what it did or (b)
to try and weasel down a keystroke on so it might
make a good candidate -- especially if you've remapped/swapped
your control-key and your caps-lock key. Another open candidate
is ^B which non longer has any meaning.


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