Saturday, January 29, 2011

[VIM]: Help with constructing error format string....

My compiler produces single line error strings of the form
ID Rule Alias Severity
File Line Wt Message

[4FD9] ErrorType ErrorName Error /path/to/file.ext
332 10 error message

where 332 is the line number and 10 is error severity level
The Issue is that the formatting results in variable number of spaces
between each element.
I would like to Display just the error message in the status line in
quickfix mode
The error format written by me to capture the above string is

set efm=%W\[[0-9A-Z]*]\\s%#\\S%#\\s%#\\S%#\\s%#%f\\s%#%l\\s%#[0-9]s%#

but this results in displaying the entire line without going to the
file in question.
Any Idea on what I am doing wrong?

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