Friday, January 28, 2011

Re: Typing numbers

On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 11:28:27PM EST, Ben Schmidt wrote:

>> [*] you can add more than one character, so if you wanted, you could
>> get fancy with something like
>> 40i-=<esc>
>> to get a nice row of 80 characters like "-=-=-=-...=-=-=-=" but again
>> you then have to do the math and divide down. Not grievous, but I can
>> count the real-world times I've done that on one hand.

This has a flavor of déja-vu, Tim.. The more I think about it, the more
it sounds like it was you who gave out this tip initially.. I thought..
nice.. and then was never able to remember it properly.

> Or you can start taking down a receipt number without pushing i, as I
> did last week. I typed 1011 before realising it hadn't appeared on the
> screen. So then I pushed i and typed the whole 13-digit number, and when
> I hit <Esc> I got 1011 copies of it, all running together as I had typed
> no spaces or newlines or anything. Brilliant! There's 12 KB right there!
> Was that too off-topic?

Well, the OP certainly appears to have lost interest.. if that's anything
to go by.. :-)


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