> Excerpts from Erik Christiansen's message of Thu Jan 27 04:24:16 +0100 2011:
> > Many thanks Marc, for this alternative work-around to vim's path
> > problem.
> The reason I wrote it was because I wanted a way to open files which do
> not yet exist. Also gf will always open the first match, correct?
> My plugin will show a list if multiple files exist.
Ah, I see the benefit in the general case. Since my shell function first
does a pushd to the directory containing the chosen set of target files,
I now have control of what will be found, fortunately.
> Do whatever serves you best :)
> I'm a happy user of much additional VimL code ..
I'm afraid of turning vim into emacs, and prefer to shell out to awk for
any text processing, and let bash perform any control which can't be
invoked with a ":set xxy".
Emacs is a nice OS - but it lacks a good text editor.
That's why I am using Vim. - Anonymous
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