> Actually, while writing my reply, I tried a:
> | :inoremap <Esc>i <Esc>
> In my environment, this causes the <Alt+I> combo to send <Esc> to Vim..
> and it looks like it might work with no side effects -- I first checked
> in insert mode that <Alt+I> did not do anything that I could see and
> I don't remember ever using it for anything else (?).
Alt keys do nothing special in Vim by default. If you're using GUI Vim
you may need to read :help 'winaltkeys' but it sounds like you're
sticking with the terminal.
You can probably map it directly:
:inoremap <A-i> <Esc>
:inoremap <M-i> <Esc>
Note that Alt maps, unlike CTRL maps, are case-sensitive.
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