Saturday, June 1, 2013

Re: search with offset

Hi Marcin,

On Sat, 1 Jun 2013 11:40:19 +0000
Marcin Szamotulski <> wrote:

> Dear Vim Use,
> Do you know how to repeat vim search preserving the offset. For example
> /hello/;?Mark?
> the n and N commands seems to forget about the offset, well actually
> they forget about the patter and remember only the offset. I would like
> to repeat the whole search with offset though. The question is if you
> know a plugin that does it, if not I can implement it myself. I have
> found that vim remembers the whole search pattern+offset in the search
> history (:h :histget()).

You can:

1. Set up a mark using "ma" or whatever.

2. Record a register repeat of:


Then pressing "@s" will keep searching from this mark onward.


Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish
List of Portability Libraries -

SMG: It was 1997-1998ish, Buffy started airing. So one day a group of
yeshivah pupils arrived to the studios saying they have some numereological
insights from the Jewish bible, about what will happen in Sunnydale next.

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