Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Mapping Problem. Down key have a slow response time.

Dear List,

I have remapped "up-down-right-left" keyboard keys. It is like 

Vim Mappings  My Mappings
-------------- --------------
h-move left k
j-move down b
k-move up n
l-move right l

I have remapped these keys  in the .vimrc file  to work in insert mode and control mode.

"Normal Mode
noremap h b
noremap j n
" noremap l l
noremap  n k
noremap  b j
noremap  k h
"Insert Mode
imap <C-space> <esc> 
imap <C-l> <right>
imap <C-k> <left>
imap <C-n> <up>
imap <C-b> <down>

It works but in Insert mode "<C-b><down>" has a slow response time from other mappings. It is not as fast as other mappings. I wonder what I am doing wrong.


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