Saturday, March 23, 2013

Re: cmap does't work to quit command line

Hi Tim!

On Sa, 23 Mär 2013, Tim Chase wrote:

> On 2013-03-23 09:35, Britton Kerin wrote:
> > I try to make <C-q> always mean 'make the current thing go away' but
> > this doesn't work for making the command line go away with cmap.
> >
> > Pushing Esc does so I don't see why the map in the subject doesn't.
> > It does do something though, it changes from just putting a carrot
> > on the command line and flickering the cursor to giving an error:
> >
> > E492: Not an editor command: (whatever was on command line)
> What are your 'cpoptions' set to? Most importantly, do they contain
> "x"? As detailed at
> :help c_<esc>
> :help cpo-x
> either the use of <esc> in a macro, or if "x" is present in
> 'cpoptions', it will treat it as an "execute this".
> It's not a default, so I'd suspect that you've manually set
> it somewhere in your vimrc chain.
> Additionally, using control+Q can sometimes be intercepted as one of a
> terminal's flow-control pairings (usually control+S stops flow,
> control+Q resumes flow), so in some environments, Vim may never see
> the control+Q.

When mapping <esc> in command mode, Vim will always behave as if 'x' is
present in 'cpo'. I would consider this a bug and have already provided
a patch 2 years ago, but nobody ever responded:

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