Sunday, October 27, 2013

Specifying a count to a normal mode map


After a sequence of keys has been nmaped, one can effectively type the
sequence as though it were a normal mode command.

But how can one specify a count to a key sequence that is a nmap? Here's
what I mean:

function! CountTest( the_count )
echo "Count is: [" . a:the_count . "]"

:com! -count=1 Lines call CountTest( <count> )
:nnoremap <buffer> <SPACE> :Lines

Now hitting the space bar results in ":Lines" whose output "Count is [1]".

However, hitting 5<space> does _not_ result in ":5Lines" but in
something weird -- ":.,.+4Lines" whose output is some strange number.

Question 1: What needs to be done so that hitting "5<space>" will
result in ":5Lines"?

Question 2: Also, is it possible to get the desired effect without
having to define the command :Lines, i.e., something like:

:nnoremap <buffer> <SPACE> -count=1 :call CountTest( <count> )



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