2014/01/31 2:34 "tyru" <tyru.exe@gmail.com>:
> Hi.
> Passing arguments to programs on Windows is difficult at several points,
> especially when you pass multiple arguments or *special character* at many many sides...
> Vim side:
> on Windows, when 'shellslash' option is set, shellescape() returns a string wrapped by single quotes which cmd.exe doesn't recognize.
> So I implements a shellescape() function which is not affected by 'shellslash' option value.
> https://github.com/vim-jp/vital.vim/blob/9159770df1ba4b7b63da7a20fa7906bf66f6ebe/autoload/vital/__latest__/Process.vim#L140-L148
> Windows side:
> Windows doesn't support multiple arguments by Win32API-level.
> A system call to run a new process(CreateProcess()) only has one command-line parameter including a program name and arguments.
> So a program must parse one concatenated argument to arguments.
> But this process was done by startup routine automatically generated by compiler thus usually you don't concern about it (in C, startup routine is called before main()).
> But there are two problems here:
> 1. There are programs that implements a startup routine by itself.
> For example, cygwin's binary executables implements a startup routine by itself to parse UNIXy special characters like glob pattern ("*").
> 2. cmd.exe and CreateProcess()'s source code is closed.
> Thus we can't see precise parsing process.
> There are 3 important points to doubt when you debug:
> cmd.exe -> CreateProcess() -> startup routine -> [a program accesses arguments ...]
> Each processes parses arguments and may get wrong recognition there.
And you can skip cmd.exe if you use :!start (:help :!start).
But :!start doesn't wait a process until exit.
I hope system()'s first argument could take a List value and skip cmd.exe...
> Conclusion:
> Passing arguments to programs on Windows is too difficult ;(
> There are no *right* way to pass arguments.
> We always have to choose *mostly right* way...
> 2014/01/31 0:22 "Andrew Stewart" <boss@airbladesoftware.com>:
>> Hello!
>> I have a plugin which uses `system(command, input)` to run some external commands. There seem to be a few escaping problems (mostly on Windows).
>> So I did some research and wrote it all up here: https://github.com/airblade/vim-system-escape
>> In a nutshell I'd like to write a VimL `shellescape(str)` function which gets the escaping right for all Vim versions greater than, say, 7.0. I.e. implement the current built-in escaping logic in VimL.
>> And maybe have a similar function which escapes the whole command passed to `system(command)`...though I'm not sure yet whether that's necessary.
>> Anyway, I'd be most grateful for suggestions and/or feedback on my notes at the link above.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Andy Stewart
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