Monday, January 27, 2014

Re: How to Move/Copy multi-line search matches?

I am sorry, I misread John's solution.
I tried it out now and it does (kind of) work.

This was the exact command which worked for me though -
:g//exe "normal v//e+1\<C-CR>\"Ay")

Thanks for correcting me Ben.

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 9:00 PM, Ben Fritz <> wrote:
> On Monday, January 27, 2014 8:48:47 AM UTC-6, Sibin wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 1:56 PM, John Little <> wrote:
>> > How about using //e to extend a visual selection?
>> >
>> > Say the current search is your multi-line pattern, then
>> >
>> > :let @a=""
>> > :g//exe "normal v//e\<cr>$\"Ay"
>> >
>> > appends the text of each match into register a, as whole lines (thanks to the $).
>> >
>> Thanks for the reply John.
>> This method isn't good enough for my use case since I want to copy all
>> of the matches simultaneously, not just one of them.
>> However, this method will work when used as part of a macro and is
>> something which I already used.
>> I was looking for a single step method.
> This should work to copy all of the matches. Why do you think it will only copy
> one? It does a :g command on the last search pattern, which will execute for
> every line that matches your search. The command it runs will copy the match,
> APPENDING it to the 'a' register. So, after the command runs, all matched text
> should be in the 'a' register and you can paste it with the normal-mode command:
> "ap
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