Wednesday, February 25, 2015

[ann] New plugin to use patience diff algorithm for vim


I made a new plugin to make Vim understand unified diffs.

This allows to generate diffs using the patience algorithm which might
provide better readable diffs. This really depends on the changes and
will not always provide better results but at least this allows to
easily switch between different diff algorithms.

Alternatively one can use any other tool to generate the diffs as long
as they are "unified" or "normal" style diffs.

You can also customize your setup to use any other tool to generated
diffs (e.g. mercurial) Read the help on how to configure the plugin

Screenshots are available at github:

Use the plugin manager of your choice. Or download the stable version of
the plugin, edit it with Vim (vim EnhancedDiff-XXX.vmb) and simply
source it (:so %). Restart and take a look at the help (:h


Once installed, take a look at the help at :h EnhancedDiff

Here is a short overview of the commands provided by the plugin:

:PatienceDiff - Use the Patience Diff algorithm for the next diff mode

:CustomDiff <algorithm> - Use <algorithm> to generate the diff. Use any of
After changing the algorithm, you need to run :diffupdate if you are in
diff mode to regenerate the diff.

Note: Those 2 commands use internally git to generate the diffs. Make sure you have at least git version 1.8.2 installed.

:DisableEnhancedDiff - Disable plugin (and use default Vim diff capabilities).

The Vim License applies. See :h license

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