Friday, February 20, 2015

Re: defining a function and E488 Trailing characters

On Friday, February 20, 2015 at 9:35:16 AM UTC-6, FlashBurn wrote:
> I'm trying to learn about vim scripting. I tried to define a new function on the command line with the following:
> :function Meow() | echom "Meow" | endfunction
> For some reason the following error show up:
> E488: Trailing characters
> What am I doing wrong?
> Any help is appreciated.

From :help :bar you can see that :function is one of the Vim commands that cannot be separated by a | character to chain commands together.

Unfortunately, unlike most Vim commands, this does not work:

:execute "function Meow()" | echom "Meow" | endfunction

You need to use this workaround for one-liner functions:

exec "function Meow()\nechom \"Meow\"\nendfun"

You can also just type the function one line at a time; Vim goes into some special mode when you run the command ":function Meow()" by itself, which is ended when you enter the ":endfunction" command.

Note that the normal use of functions, is in a script file, where you use multiple lines.

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