Monday, February 23, 2015

Re: file name completion + expand together

On 2015-02-23, BaRud wrote:
> actually in fortran, there is a use statement, that takes foo from foo.mod file.
> So, I am looking for a way that after I write "use" in fortran, I get list of *.mod file available.
> Like, e.g.
> tree src/ objs/
> src/
> ├── main.f90
> ├── trial.mod
> objs/
> ├── constants.mod
> ├── mpublic.mod
> └── mutil.mod
> so, if in main, I write:
> program main
> use <some magic key>
> end program
> I would love the <magic key> to show "trial" and "../" to show other directories.

<Ctrl-X><Ctrl-F> expands file names relative to the current
directory, so you could first :cd to the directory containing
trial.mod, then :cd to each of the other directories. To make it
easier to return to your original directory, you could use the
PushPop.vim plugin,

As ":help i_CTRL-X_CTRL-F" says, this command does not currently use


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