Thursday, February 26, 2015

Re: what does iskeyword option do?

On Thursday, February 26, 2015 at 4:57:34 AM UTC-6, Erik Christiansen wrote:
> That all seems to confirm that "iskeyword" is a misnomer for what in
> reality is "istoken", AFAICT. Not only is token boundary recognition the
> process described above, but the process in no way resembles detection
> of a member of a keyword set, like those use in 'C': "if", "switch",
> "case", etc.

Actually it has a great deal to do with keyword detection. One use of 'iskeyword' is in syntax definition files, when using "keyword" type matches. :help :syn-keyword.

Syntax highlighting in Vim predates my use of Vim by many years. But since keyword highlighting is the most basic sort, I'd guess it was the first introduced.

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