Saturday, February 21, 2015

Re: vimdiff performance bug?

On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 10:28:56AM -0600, Peng Yu wrote:
> Hi,
> I use vimdiff to open two large .gz file files. It is a long time to
> open both files. And I can not wait so that I have to kill vim.
> But zdiff is OK to compare the two files. Is there anything can be
> done with vimdiff to improve its performance?

It would help if you could be a bit more specific about your
situation and provide some useful information that would help us to
reproduce your problem.

In particular, it would be supremely helpful if you were able to
provide your .gz files.

If supplying the files is not possible, some extra useful information
you may provide includes:

Does it take Vim a long time to open one of these files
individually, or is it just slow when opening them in diff

Just how big are these files (uncompressed)?

Do your compressed files contain XML data with very long lines?
Vim's syntax highlighting of such files is known to be slow in
this case.

Could you post the results of launching vimdiff on these files in
profile mode? Something like the following:

$ vimdiff --statuptime profile.txt file1.gz file2.gz

The profiling results are written to profile.txt. Just let
that run while you go get a coffee if it takes too long to

Erik Falor
Registered Linux User #445632

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